Back from a dormant existence, I am seeking to revitalize this blog. I have used this forum to dance between various subjects – security, fitness, nutrition, and even global issues. Having a name in different industries and careers has at times caused me to blur lines of business, and communicate with different end users of separate services yet in one place. So as to not to “cross the streams” and cause any brand confusion, I will keep this blog active and focused on tactical fitness solutions, nutrition, and training.
Expect new and fresh content to be forth coming for Battletested Fitness. For my security and intelligence colleagues, followers, and clients, my chief website: will act as a gateway for my security consulting services.
My Facebook page, and LinkedIn profile will also provide content and articles on security matters, protective intelligence strategies, and tactical response training. Tactical fitness is an element of tactical response training, of which some content will be shared on Facebook and LinkedIn and within this blog. See you down the road, please fill out the contact form so I can be of better service to you or your organization