Maintaining Tactical Skill Sets

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Jun 142013

Skills and abilities whether tactical in nature or athletic, will diminish over time if not maintained. For many tactical operators or first responders, there is an intense learning curve during initial training and within the first few years of employment. Candidates and probationary first responders are repeatedly tested and sent to various courses to attain the necessary skills of their profession. After passing a basic proficiency in a host of different skills,  emergency service/security/military personnel will suffer a drop in their capabilities if too much time passes before they are required to do more job related training. Budget and manpower needs are often the reasons why agencies don’t consistently send their personnel for training. Sometimes it is up to the individual to seek out training so they are optimally prepared to handle the hazards of their profession. For the armed law enforcement or security professional here is my list for the most important skill sets to maintain:

1. Firearm training- though the percentage is very low for security or police personnel to fire their weapons, the liability of carrying a weapon is extremely high, so practicing shooting skills at least once a month is essential. Every other month agencies or individuals  should incorporate a reality based drill which will test team members abilities to work under stress. (Generally, SWAT team members have the opportunity to shoot and train more frequently)

2. Self Defense Skills  – Basic moves that involve gross motor skills will be maintained longer than more intricate and technical moves. Self defense skills should be evaluated every 3-4 months but the tactical operator should train once a week in close quarter combat.

3. Fitness- physical fitness demands may vary profession to profession but the first responder/tactical operator should prepare themselves physically as if a “worst case scenario” is a routine occurrence. The fitness lifestyle is a daily pursuit so one must make time to ensure that he or she is physically able to meet any challenge.

Now this is just upsetting

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Oct 022012

As a subject matter expert in protective operations, it just boils my blood when I see security officers, especially armed security officers overweight and essentially unfit for the tasks at hand. Members of a popular gym chain were recently car jacked at the gym’s parking lot; the car jackers were caught by police shortly after the crime. The gym in response to the carjacking hired armed security to act as a deterrent against future carjackings or other parking lot related crime. On the surface, this is not a bad response to a violent crime, however what the gym management failed to understand was how to access and evaluate security firms and their officers.

Except for one individual who seemed capable of responding to an armed attack, the rest of the security team, smoked on duty, leaned against the gym building, lacked good communication skills, were all dressed in black BDUs and for the most part were overweight. The gym management hired the “lowest bidder” in this case without truly assessing if this security firm would lower their risk of another crime while acting as an extended customer service arm of the club. The danger that the security firm in question presents is related to security liability. Had another armed attack occurred, the overweight,smoking security officer would then be required to assess the situation, communicate the danger, RUN to confront the assailant, and potentially deploy his weapon, maybe fire it. How many of you want to trust your life to an out of shape armed person. When the heart rate elevates, fine motors skills like shooting accurately depreciate.

If selection of a security force is needed, the hiring decision makers have to ensure that the officers are equipped to handle a “worst case scenario”. Too often unarmed and armed security are hired as a psychologically deterrent, however when an actually emergency occurs in many cases these officers lack the proper training and physical fitness to respond as needed.



Running and Shooting

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Sep 032012

Many people think of a gun as some great equalizer where the user  can be an old grandma, who simply has to aim and pull the trigger to deter the threat from a much bigger and younger attacker. In California, which has some of the strictest gun laws, ironically citizens upon attending a safety course, and being “vetted” by a criminal check, can purchase a hand gun without demonstrating their ability to effectively hit their targets on a range. The common held belief that deploying a weapon is about pointing and shooting like it is a camera, is quite erroneous. Even though countless people do train on ranges shooting paper targets honing their marksmanship skills across the USA, very few people actually posses the speed, agility, and quickness to deploy their weapons in real life situations.

In a real life or death situation such as a home invasion, the gun owner has to first assess the threat, run to where his or her gun is,  unlock it, arm it, acquire the position of the bad guys, position him or herself between the criminals and protected family members and eliminate the threats with accurate shots all within a minute or less while most likely having an extremely high heart rate.

If you were paying attention, the operative words were ” extremely high heart rate”. When the heart rate spikes, the fine motor skills such as shooting diminish. All of the hours spent on a gun range are useless unless an individual practices operating their firearm under duress. Obviously one can’t fire off rounds in their own home, but what one can do is practice all of the steps prior to discharging his or her weapon. The neuromuscular and anaerobic conditioning of reality based drills and fitness training will benefit the gun owner if a life threatening criminal attack shall occur.

Even police officers are not immune to overly relying on static training at the gun range when their time should be better spent mimicking the physical demands of responding to a crime. Recently, the NYPD responded to a shooting outside the Empire State Building, many bystanders were shot by police officers who lost their accuracy after running to the scene.

If gun owners had to pass a physical fitness test, qualify at the range under realistic shooting scenarios, and attend a course on pre-attack indicators, prior to purchasing a firearm, the incidents of wrongful deaths would surely plummet.

Fitness saves lives!


Physical Fitness vs Combat Fitness

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Aug 072012

We often judge physical fitness by how much weight someone can lift, how fast or long someone can run, or by their physique. Achieving supreme physical fitness should be a goal for every human to improve their quality of life. For a unique and small population, supreme combat fitness is the goal. Being in good shape does help in achieving a high level of combat fitness, but with combat fitness there are so many physical and mental elements one has to concentrate on that go “beyond the gym”.

Similar to football players that have to be in “hitting shape” before their season gets underway, tactical engagements require one to be able to withstand unbelievable rigors in the course of their jobs.

Here a some facets of combat fitness that need to be mastered to improve performance in the field:

1. Speed, Agility, and Quickness (SAQ) are the cornerstones of athletics; in a military/emergency environment, the combatant or first responder has to possess SAQ skills while being loaded down with battle gear or a duty belt.

2. Weather and Environmental factors – For those that work in a police/fire/EMS function chances are that you are familiar with your regional weather patterns. The challenges to overcome in the performance of your jobs will have to do with daytime vs nighttime operations, rain, snow, etc. Being able to overcome environmental challenges is key for performance on the job. For military and elite security or investigative agents, you maybe dispatched globally at a moment’s notice; so the ability to adapt to severe changes in climate and altitude are essential. Multiple repetitions of heavy bench presses won’t help you overcome an adjustment in altitude but improved cardiovascular fitness will help you adapt easier to the challenges put on your nervous system.

3. Long shifts/little relief/lack of sleep – the trifecta of poor performance. Overcoming the aforementioned obstacles is essential to performing at one’s best. The allies in overcoming the realities of tactical professions are rest and nutrition. Sometimes caffeine is not the answer but foods and supplements that provide long lasting energy and have stress busting nutrients. One such supplement that I have found to be a great weapon in reducing stress is Ionix Supreme, manufactured by Isagenix, is a formula comprised of anti-oxidants, adaptagens, and minerals that improve stress levels and energizes the body. If you’re looking to add a touch of humor to your stress relief routine, consider exploring Prank Gifts that can bring a lighthearted element to your tactical lifestyle.

If you’re interested in the subject, outdoor fitness equipment is workout equipment that is found outside, typically in parks and public open spaces. For additional information, go to

For more information on Ionix Supreme click here.

Mental Strength

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Jul 112012

Mental Strength is a difference maker that often determines success or failure. One can have all of the physical tools and intelligence in the world, but does he or she have the will power and internal fortitude to push on when the going gets tough and our friends and support can also help us with this, and even if you don’t have that many friends you can always find more at sites like chatempanada online. In challenging moments when we are out of our comfort zones, our mind starts to play tricks on us, and suddenly we find ourselves rationalizing why it is better to quit the task at hand and focus our efforts elsewhere.

Many successful people have that ability to “see things through”. Mental strength is what drives people to overcome their fears, the unknown, danger, and to excel on the playing field and in training sessions. Mental strength can be developed out of failure itself. So what if you failed at something, do you have the mental strength to continue on and try again?

The Olympics are around the corner. There are a number of athletes that failed to make their respective Olympic squads in years past but they possessed the mental strength to dedicate four more years of training and competing to earn a spot this year.

Stay mentally strong my friends.

 Posted by at 10:01 am

Fitness Challenges

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Jun 222012

When I say fitness challenges, what I really mean are challenges to being fit. Let’s take a look at just a handful of obstacles “excuses” that inhibit people from reaching their fitness goals.

1. Time– “I don’t have the time”. Okay so there are 168 hours in a week. Let’s dedicate 56 hours for sleeping, and 40 for working per week. That leaves us with 72 hours a week to fit in exercise. Very doable.

2. “Gyms are too expensive”. Working out in a gym has many benefits but there are essentially hundreds of exercises that one can do in their home in addition to running, biking, and hiking, and even if the equipment fails, the use of a Gym Equipment Repair service can solve the issue.

3. “I’m t00 {enter self defeating belief here}”. Sometimes people are their own worst enemies and will sabotage their own success. Stay positive or find someone that can help you discover the champion within you.

4. Eating unhealthy. Consuming bad nutrition may stem from self destructive behavior. Even for people that exercise, sometimes there is a misconception as to how much they really exerted in terms of energy. Often people belief that they worked harder than they really did and feel that they can no eat what ever they want without any consequences. Track your calorie expenditures and consumption to get the most out of the time that you are exercising.

 Posted by at 4:16 pm

Battle Ready

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Jun 052012

Planning for a physical engagement requires much from your body and mind. Here are a few pointers for getting battle ready for a host of real life or sports related challenges:

1. Train your body for the specific physical demands of your event or engagement. If you are trying to pass a military, police, or fire department physical entrance test like an obstacle course, running eight miles won’t help you improve your anaerobic strength capacity or speed, agility and quickness, but progressively intense total body resistance and reactive training will help you get the results you need. Conversely, spending a majority of your physical training time lifting heavy weights won’t help you improve your time in endurance sports. It is OK to cross train in other sports and incorporate various levels of physical intensity, but keep your main focus on preparing your body for the specific demands it will face.

2. Situational Awareness. Doesn’t matter if you are in a field of play or field of fire, mental acuity is paramount for success. Having strong internal discipline and razor sharp focus will only enhance your performance. Wayne Gretzky understood the importance of situational awareness in the hockey rink; he attributed his success for knowing, “where the puck was going to be.”

3. Tapering the intensity before a big event. Going all out in training is good, just make sure it is not days before your body and mind will be put to the test. The central nervous system (CNS) regulates the body’s functions, if you don’t give the CNS enough time to recover from the accumulated physical and mental stress, you will not be at your best when you need it most.

Use these tips in preparing for your next sporting event or physical fitness test and be battle ready.

Preparing for Intensity – Seven Tips

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May 232012

Prepared for Intensity


You may be a special operations operator preparing for a hostage rescue, a fireman about to enter a burning building, or an athlete moments before a competition; its go time. Have you taken the necessary steps to prepare for this moment? Though the above mentioned events are radically different from each other, they share the elements of physical and mental intensity. How does one get ready for such engagements? Here are 7 tips  to help someone physically and mentally prepare for extreme moments of intensity.

1. Train your body to physically be ready for the stresses you may encounter. Running up a flight of stairs maybe be easy, now add 60 pounds of gear, not so easy. Firefighters often are loaded with heavy equipment and then are burdened with carrying a survivor of a fire to safety.

2. Wearing the appropriate clothing and gear suitable to your body. You may be a great athlete but if your shoes don’t fit well or a part of your clothing chafes your skin, the added irritation will cause you to become distracted and be efficient in your movements.

3. Practicing in the environment to which you will be engaged or tested. Trail and mud runs are fun but training on a treadmill won’t help you develop the physical capabilities and mental comfort to compete at your best. Replicate the real thing in practice as best as you can.

4. Have mental pictures of how you will navigate the upcoming moments of intensity. Have a strong mental game plan of what you will do when faced with extreme challenges.

5. Rest – sleep is key. The central nervous system regulates much of the body’s functions, lack of sleep often over stresses the central nervous system resulting in poor performance.  For military personnel sometimes sleep is a luxury and if so operators should train to be 100% functional despite a lack of sleep.

6. Diet is an important factor. It is best if the blood sugar levels and heart rate are stabilized prior to moments of intensity. Though adrenalin will spike the heart rate, a lack of adequate blood sugar can result in muscle failure and too high a heart rate caused by caffeine and refined sugars will sabotage fine motor skills.

7.  Learning from others. Find out who previously has undertaken the same tasks or events and learn their “tricks of the trade”. Understanding from others about what works or doesn’t goes along way to mentally prepare yourself for your mission, rescue, or event.


Taking Care of Business

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May 142012




The killer instinct, the edge, the hunger, the “eye of the tiger” (Ok, its corny). Motivation and attitude dictate so much of our actions. What motivates one may not motivate another when it comes to engaging in a particular action. Sometimes people excel at sports or competitions because their ego demands that they be the best, some people excel to please others, others do so because they have no alternative – (getting a college scholarship or signing a professional sports contract versus a bleak future). Believing that you have no alternative but to succeed, is a powerful motivator and one that can result in success provided that you have the right vision, put in the work, and simply “take care of business.”

Desperation can lead some people to make wrong decisions and act impetuously, but other people may find within themselves a “grace under pressure”, and with their backs to the wall, overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. In battle, you find ways to overcome threats that can result in your demise, because you have “no alternative” but to engage in actions to ensure that your mission is completed and that you and your comrades are safe.

Battle Tested. If under extreme conditions one can survive or excel, other challenges seem trivial. By projecting a “no alternative” mindset, you will see that the level of performance of daily tasks, work outs, drills, and exercises, start to improve.


Tactical Protection Training

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Apr 102012

As the online environment becomes the latest “battleground” of security, it doesn’t make the tactical environment any less important.   When the proverbial “rubber meets the road”, do you or your security officers, and/or emergency responders physically and mentally equipped to overcome any obstacle set before them?

The tactical world is not full of the crazy gun nuts, MMA enthusiasts, and Rambo wannabees, that are often on display. The tactical operator is cool headed, physically fit, and possesses, when needed, a command presence to get things done. How do tactical operators acquire mental and physical mastery? They train, train, and train some more. To improve one’s skill in the tactical arena, one has to practice/train/exercise outside their comfort zone. Emergencies occur outside the norm, and if a first responder is not able to run, shoot, lift, push, drag, communicate or more in an efficient manner, risk and casualties mount up fast.

Train Hard but Train Smart.


 Posted by at 3:35 pm