Battle Tested Updates

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Feb 202017

Back from a dormant existence, I am seeking to revitalize this blog. I have used this forum to dance between various subjects – security, fitness, nutrition, and even global issues. Having a name in different industries and careers has at times caused me to blur lines of business, and communicate with different end users of separate services yet in one place. So as to not to “cross the streams” and cause any brand confusion, I will keep this blog active and focused on tactical fitness solutions, nutrition, and training.

Expect new and fresh content to be forth coming for Battletested Fitness. For my security and intelligence colleagues, followers, and clients, my chief website: will act as a gateway for my security consulting services.

My Facebook page, and LinkedIn profile will also provide content and articles on security matters, protective intelligence strategies, and tactical response training. Tactical fitness is an element of tactical response training, of which some content will be shared on Facebook and LinkedIn and within this blog. See you down the road, please fill out the contact form so I can be of better service to you or your organization

Training Motivation – What Drives You

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Apr 012016

People workout, compete, or undertake intense tactical or combat sports training for a myriad of reasons – for general health, for recognition of winning, for recognition from others of how they look, ego driven – to feel invincible or feel like a Navy SEAL, Marine Raider, Army Ranger, or Green Beret.

For many tactical and first responders (police, fire, EMS security), the motivation for training will take on a different nature with varied consequences if one does’t train correctly or consistently.

  1. Succeeding at a rescue or response
  2. Keeping my place on the unit or detail
  3. Staying injury free
  4. Improving chances of a promotion

The reasons above are positive in nature, conversely there are negative motivators as well.

5. Losing a victim, or co-worker due to a lack of training or necessary level of physical fitness

6. Losing my place on the unit or detail

7. Hurting myself during a response because my joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments weren’t prepared for the stress.

8. Routinely being passed over for promotion because of low fitness or tactical evaluation scores

Stay focused on the positive and what tactical fitness training can do for you because losing sucks.


Incorporating Defensive Tactics in to Security Training

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Jul 092015

The ultimate goal of a security program is prevention. Security directors and managers are tasked with protecting bad things from happening to people, assets, reputation and so on. A host of measures are used to facilitate the goal of prevention:

Physical/IT Security – barriers, cameras, access control, lighting, signagae, intrusion detection, encryption

Policies & Procedures – Loss prevention protocols, travel security, vendor/guest documentation, investigation and prosecution policies, sexual harassment, “What to do in case of…”,

People – Security staff + employees. Numerous training courses are designed for security staff and employees to help them identify and or deescalate criminal, violent, or hazardous situations before such incidents snowball in to something grave.


The danger area can be identified as the time and place when an incident happens despite all of the previous counter measures described above and all security assets are suddenly geared toward responding and containing the threat. It is at this juncture when training is put to the test.

A common occurrence that happens at many facilities is when security staff is presented with a violent current or former employee, or intruder who is not responding to efforts of deescalation or is intent on doing something violent. 911 should be called but often a police response could be too late to contain and apprehend an attacker. What if a small private school is protected by a solitary security officer at the entrance but has no command center to call for back up yet is confronted by an aggressive intruder. Will the officer pick up his cell phone and call 911 while an attacker is rushing him?

Defensive Tactics

When a security and even a police officer have to physically restrain or contain a violent person, much can go wrong. Unfortunately, many corporate and facility decision makers are so weary of any violent confrontation that they would prefer that security staff not intercede when confronted by an attacker. These decisions are based on fear that the security officer may cause more harm than good, might get hurt, or bring about a law suit. Well, I say that security officers should be empowered in knowing how to defend themselves and contain a violent attacker.

Defensive tactics training is best applied if it is conducted in partnership with a similar security course like Management of Aggressive Behavior (MOAB), as part of a security officer’s on-boarding process, or  within an advanced security training program like executive protection. Even with the best efforts of using verbal judo on an aggressive person, sometimes situations turn violent. Defensive tactics training will compliment a verbal judo/MOAB type of course.

The length of a defensive tactics course can run the gambit from 1-2 days to a week or longer. Budget and manpower needs will often dictate the length of the course. Ideally, on going training is preferred so participants can continuously practice and be prepared for a host of scenarios.

Many security officers will often seek defensive tactics training on their own which is commendable however, if the security officer’s actions are not inline with corporate policy for response, the officer can get in trouble even though he or she may prevent a major incident from happening. Once the initial defensive training is attended, security officers should receive stipends to maintain their defensive tactics capabilities since they are perishable skills.


Here are some quick steps to help incorporate defensive tactics in to security training:

1. Get approval from corporate and client decision makers

2. Identify a course to to which to partner defensive tactics training

3. Make sure that all participants are physically and mentally fit to engage in defensive tactics training

4. Identify respected self defense/defensive tactics schools or trainers

For more information, please register at



Target Hardening – A Different Application

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Jun 172015

For many in the security or defense industry, target hardening refers to measures taken to increase levels of protection in the face of a realized threat. If a facility was victimized by an intruder (burglary, violent crime, vandalism, etc) a common response is to make it harder for the intruder to enter or escape. A facility or workplace may install video surveillance cameras, access control systems, fencing or some other type of measure or procedure to reduce the chances that a crime would occur on the property. In the world of executive protection, the concept of target hardening is applied to the principle’s work place, transportation, communications, home; and whatever element that can be exploited by an attacker. We hear of phrases like “buffer zone”, “stand off distance” or “arm’s reach” to identify some time of security zone or resource used in order to protect buildings, assets, and people.

Let’s now apply the target hardening approach to one’s health. Could a human’s body be hardened in the face of physical or health related threats?

Sure, as with security threats, there is much we can do to minimize the risk of physical harm. I will concede that people may be exposed to genetic risks or other threats beyond their control even with living a fitness lifestyle, but the point here is to be pro active and target harden your body. An old adage stands true, “An ounce of prevention is more valuable than a pound of cure”.

The following is a simple threat but surprisingly is a leading cause of injury

1. Injury by mobile oncoming pedestrian, biker, or car.

Solution 1: Develop Situational Awareness In high population or traffic areas, use COMMON SENSE and don’t walk and text, or play music so loud you can’t see or hear what is going on around you. Maintaining high energy levels through out the day from good nutrition and sleep habits can only help one be more situationally aware.

Solution 2: Possess the physical capabilities to avoid getting hit. I have heard the arguments of how adrenalin can cause one to turn on their emergency muscles in the face of disaster; but why take chances that adrenalin is enough to save you. For the untrained person, adrenalin and instinct may help one avoid a particular threat but what if in successfully dodging an oncoming biker, a person suffers an injury to the lower leg because he or she was unconditioned? What if some one needed to jump two feet to the side to avoid getting hit but only had the power to jump a foot and half?

This is a simple exercise circuit that can be used as a dynamic warm up or modified to be used as a complete work out:

After 5 minute warm up and light stretch – (check this post to learn why are arm circles considered a dangerous stretching exercise, please avoid those at all costs)

1) High Knees  (25 yards) – drive knees high while taking short strides by pushing off and landing on the toes

2) Butt kicks (25 yards)  – Similar to high knees but kick your but with the heel of your foot.

3) Lateral Side Shuffle (50 yards) – Shuffle to one side for 25 yards and the return with the other leg leading the way

4) Hop on 1 leg forward and back for 15- 30 seconds (based on ability) then switch legs

5) Hop on 1 leg side to side for 15- 30 seconds then switch legs

6) Depth jumps – start small with a gym box or platform at 18 – 24 inches and practice first jumping down and landing on the ground as quietly as a ninja. Once the the depth jump is mastered, try jumping up on the box and back down. Increase the height of the box as needed.

5 sets of 10 depth/box jumps resting 40 seconds between each set

For more information contact

Theory Versus Experience

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Feb 052015

In any profession or industry there exists people whom by their understanding of theories or history of whatever subject are recognized as subject matter experts. Likewise, there are those people who have “boots on the ground” experience in various professions and industries that are also subject matter experts. “Theorists” and “operators” don’t have to be mutually exclusive, one can hold a PhD. in astrophysics yet still be an astronaut.

In the tactical operations industry there are experts who theorize how police, security, firefighters or military members should respond to or train for a given situation and conversely there are those experts who have lived through or managed various tactical situations and have different understandings of what is needed to succeed in moments of crisis.

This I can tell you for sure, the skills needed to respond to physical and stress inducing situations are perishable. For every skill – firing a weapon, dragging a body to safety, close quarter combat, defensive driving, etc. there are points in time when one’s proficiency in said skill drops due to lack of practice. When a tactical situation results in death, we see many talking heads or so called experts theorize that perhaps race or some socio-economic factor was the reason why someone was killed. In actuality, my experience tells me that a lack of training and practice doing drills may very well cause the first responder to act impetuously having lost the skill to respond correctly given the scenario.

Reality based training is so critical for success yet for many emergency response agencies, budget becomes an issue.

Learn how to get the edge in tactical situations by following this blog or by following Battle Tested Solutions across various social media outlets.


Tactical Performance

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Jul 022014

So many elements comprise tactical performance –  mental strength, physical strength, agility, working with a team, etc. In a recent issue of the Training Edge, I was profiled in regards to my insight about how to prepare future soldiers, policemen and women, firefighters, and tactical operators in general. Tactical Fitness is a difference maker between success and failure.

Here is a PDF link for the May/June 2014 issue of The Training Edge Magazine:

 Posted by at 12:21 pm
Apr 032014

Battle Tested. I have to admit my brand name is pretty catchy. In fact I own a number of domain names with battle tested in it; more on that at a later time. But let’s be honest, Tied and True Fitness just doesn’t have the same impact as Battle Tested Fitness. My strategies and programs for tactical fitness training come from having  to prepare my body, mind, and nervous system for any type of crisis.

Questions I always get are, “So how does one get to be battle tested? Do you have to serve and survive in a war zone?” To answer the second question first, no one needs to be a veteran or have aspirations to serve in a combat role. However, many could use tactical fitness training to be prepared for dynamic physical engagements. Here are a number of instances where being tactically fit can come in handy:

1. Industrial accidents – strength and speed required to push over equipment and run from danger.

2. Natural disasters – earthquake, hurricane, flood. Does one not need physical strength and fortitude to pack up as much belongings as possible in a short time and evacuate by car or other means?

3. Active Shooter – a far too common occurrence, laying motionless can save your life as well as sprinting for cover.

4. Black Friday – negotiating rushing crowds and masses of people is a hidden threat that will challenge one’s physical fitness.

In addition to training first responders to many of the situations listed above, Battle Tested Fitness delivers strength and conditioning programs that replicates the physical demand caused by “worst case scenarios” so that if an event should happen you are as prepared as possible.

– Greg


If You Had One Shot…

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Feb 122014

A popular lyric by Eminem, “…would you go for it or let it slip away”? We all have experienced moments where that “shot” is presented to us, some of us take it; others let it slip away. So often we hear of success stories of people who take their shot and reap the benefits of their actions. Unfortunately, most of us are dominated by instances where lack of action, fear to fail, and “playing it safe”, over ride or deepest desires to succeed.

So for those of us that find ourselves in moments when we are faced with that opportunity to take that shot, I have another motto from an historical figure, King Leonidas of Sparta, “NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER”.

Believe in yourselves!


Calling in the Reserves

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Nov 012013

Its been a while since I posted anything. So, what’s so special with “Calling in the Reserves”? Well I am not talking about trained infantrymen to do battle, I am referring to your internal reserves that you call on for extended periods of time when you need to stay sharp and focused. We build up these so called reserves by a number of means –

1) Sleep – How do we physically recover from stress? By going to bed.

2) Nutrition – Healthy choices that regulate the blood sugar, reduce the stress hormone cortisol, and provide long lasting energy

3) Training/practice – Undertaking supervised drills under duress for long periods will develop physical resiliency  similar to  Navy SEALS Hell Week or service in the IDF’s Golani Brigade

4) Mental Conditioning – By having the experience of pushing yourself to the limits in practice or training and conquering the moment, you will also develop the self confidence to do so again in a real world situation.

Additionally, normal testosterone levels offer a way to assess the free hormone levels that affect how you feel every day. One of the best nutritional tools I have used to reduce stress and enhance my internal reserves is a product by Isagenix called Ionix Supreme. Stimulant free, Ionix Supreme is comprised of natural adaptogens that aid in combating stress and enhancing physical and mental performance.

A word from Training for Warriors creator Martin Rooney

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Aug 212013

I am a big fan of Martin Rooney and his successes in fitness. His fitness and training career is impressive. I really like his message in this video. Though training combat athletes, Martin’s forte, differ from tactical athletes my niche, his message is universal.
